Ooops...This Post is a Day Late

Ooops...This Post is a Day Late

So, I forgot to write a blog post for yesterday.
But that's okay because now you get to see the concept art for the Critters of Picnic Valley!

Ta-da! It's the Critters of Picnic Valley!
We have Bartholomew the Bee Keeper in the top left corner, Batrick the Apple Bat Farmer in the top right corner, Beatrix the Artist in the middle left, Eliza the Lizard Wizard in the middle right, Mark the Ninja Monkey in the bottom left, and Wolfward the Businesswolf in the bottom right.
Again, this is just concept art (to be uploaded to on March 16th.) I am positive that the characters will be going through some redesigning and reworking before their final designs. For now, however, this is the art that has been made (and the story is almost completely written.) 
~Piper Louisa
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I think it’s good you were focused on something that you enjoyed (and important/cool) and forgot to write the blog post. You have to enjoy life, even when working!

Plus, as you have here, you can always write it a little behind schedule. I didn’t know there was a schedule – well, I figured there was some kind of plan there, but I didn’t know if it was every 13.8 days or what because I just read them sometime after they pop up, not mark down, "ok this is when the next one comes out, " like it’s a super bowl.

I look forward to your book (series?). Maybe my nephew will enjoy them! (He’s 2!)

Maybe you could do stuffies/clothing (from the story, or other original design) as well, some day. That would be cool, I think!

Ka Ciao



Sean Paul

I’m so excited to read it!!!! It’s gonna be awesome!!!


It may be a day late, but it is far from a dollar short!


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